Wednesday, September 25, 2024


We have to stop being so naive!

It's becoming increasingly clear that the rise of the far right in Europe is not an “unfortunate consequence” of the neoliberal system, but a real plan by the European Commission.

    Indeed, with the establishment of populist authoritarian regimes (called “illiberal”, when in fact they are economically speaking ultra-liberal, as illustrated by figures like Trump and Milei) with the active help of the so-called “centrist” parties, useful idiots or cynical accomplices, neoliberalism will be able to live happily ever after, without trade unions, hostile press or contradiction (opponents being systematically disqualified as “extremists”).

    The racist wave is part of this scheme, the aim of which is to prepare, in every European country, a government like Orbán, Meloni and today Macron (and tomorrow Le Pen). 

    Since the Maastricht and Lisbon treaties, Jean Monnet's Europe has been transformed into Fortress Europe, before our eyes and, above all, our impotent votes.

    We absolutely must begin to resist. And we can.  This is how.

    1) Support all movements (not political parties) that defend social, ecological and human rights. Join locally and nationally, and internationally if possible.

    2) Support free media, while they still exist.

    3) Get out of  Unions (all corrupt) and form new autonomous structures with the help of committed labor lawyers.

    4) Share alternative economic ideas as widely as possible.

    5) Meet, form groups, and start open debates.

    6) Abandon rhetoric and references to the “glorious past of the Left” and find new terms that the majority of citizens can understand: let's no longer speak of “proletarians”, but of the “working poor”, for example.

    7) Create a positive dynamic of revolutionary rather than “reformist” thinking: it's the whole system that needs changing, and everywhere.

    8) Found political entities (not "political parties") with a truly horizontal and radically inclusive mode of operation.

    9) Do not favor one struggle by making the others invisible.

    10) Be clear. Always. And refuse fatalism, despair and discouragement as tools of neoliberal domination. 

       Remember: to imagine you are free is to be free.

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