One of the strengths of Nazism has always been to use the language to corrupt Thought, and part of Europe is in the process of applying with great success lessons from Dr. Goebbels. Today, Scandinavia, France, Hungary and elsewhere, political parties and even governments, as in Hungary and Denmark, use coded expressions such as "anti-Islam" or "Islamskritik" in Danish, to hide their true nature,
which is outright racist. But when this is pointed out to them, they deny it and blame Muslim “culture" - as in the latest example, the assaults against women in Köln and elsewhere. But we must not delude ourselves about the meaning of "culture" in the right-wing thought: culture is an atavism that is made up of hereditary traits formerly associated with a race, and today a religion. This is the "moral" basis of the extreme-right today: on the one hand, the good, white Christians, although Jews are considered OK too, for strategical reasons; and on the other hand, colored barbarians that cannot adapt to "Western civilization" because of atavistic traits. In Denmark, where I live, this distinction is found everywhere, both in the current government, partly in its opposition (the Social Democrats) and in almost all the Media. If we add a strong nationalist sentiment traditionally maintained by both the right and the left (once for different reasons, but joining in an appalling way today), we find ourselves with a speech in which we divide the world into two: on one side, the "Ubermensch" civilized and de facto moral; and on the other the "Untermensch" barbaric and de facto immoral. This distinction is not only the prerogative of Denmark and, what is more worrying, it is not seen for what it is: a Nazi concept. The democratic Europe in which we believed before before the back-stabbings of Maastricht and Lisbon, day after day loses its soul and honor, corroded from within by a violent cancer we continue to call a “cold "... It is time to open our eyes and oppose a total resistance, that can begin simply by calling things by their real name ... No, it isn’t a new form of Fascism that threatens Europe; It is, purely and simply, a neo-Nazism.